Filename convention


example1: GMCKsolid_4.1_hg19_design.bed

example2: GMCKsolid_4.1_hg38_design.bed

example3: TwistExome_8.1_hg19_design.bed

example4: TwistExomeRefSeq_9.1_hg19_design.bed


Name will reflect company or project name for the bed. Examples: GMCKsolid or TwistExomeRefSeq


Integer starting from 1 and new projects will get a new number.


Any change to regions or features in the original design file.


hg19, hg38


  1. target: original target file that was sent to Twist
  2. design: all_target_segments_covered_by_probes file received from Twist
  3. dropout: all_target_segments_not_covered_by_probes file received from Twist
  4. ucsctrack: file is suitable to upload to ucsc as track file. Same file as target but with a header suitable to upload to UCSC genome browser


  • bed: bed can be bed3, 4, 6, 12 columns
  • bedgraph/bigwig: standard bedgraph and bigwig format from ucsc